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Carla Hayden

When I grew up, I wanted to: Oh, I wanted to read as much as I could. I was kind of a bookworm.

The most challenging thing about being a librarian: is I think the public perception, that people have a very stereotypical view of librarianship.

The most surprising thing about being a librarian: I think that what I find surprising is just the variety of people who are attracted to the profession. And it’s not stereotypical-all types of people, all types of background. That’s actually fun.

My fondest childhood reading memory: Bright April by Marguerite De Angeli. It’s the book that I loved. I have a copy of it here in the office. I just love that book.

I’m currently reading: Currently reading? You mean currently have stacked up everywhere. The one that I enjoy and haven’t finished because it’s such a delicious book is The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett. It’s about what happened when Queen Elizabeth — they don’t ever refer to her by name, but you know it’s the Queen, Queen Elizabeth, Queen of England — becomes a reader. And how it transforms her life and what she thinks about things and how it upsets the powers that be, the people around her, because now she’s thinking, because she becomes a reader. I’ve been giving out copies.

If I could only bring one book to a deserted island, it would be: probably a dictionary.

If I could step into the pages of a book, it would be: the Bible.

My greatest wish is: that the profession will be able to evolve and be relevant and grow and not become extinct.

I love being a librarian because: of the variety — you can’t predict. And it is evolving, I think, so that’s what I love about it. It has changed.

I am a dedicated librarian, dedicated to what libraries can be for other people. I really believe that they can help.